Starship Modeler - The complete information source for modelers who build sci-fi, fantasy and real space subjects


By Michael H. Smith

Here are pictures of my mostly complete Dropship.

I bought this several years ago from Q's Continnum for a decent price. I built the kit mostly stock except I scratch built the cockpit with resin F4 ejection seats and bits and pieces from an old 1/72 helicopter kit. I also added the front landing gear doors with spot lamps.

The color is Army Helo Drab and the details are mostly flat black. The lights are model RR marker lamp jewels - they catch the light well and were easier to install than fiber. The finish came out a little strange - used Future with too high a setting on the airbrush and it gave almost a reptile finish.

The missles have not been added yet, nor has the probe a the end of the nose. I also had a little trouble getting the canopy to fit after adding the seats as I didn't file them down far enough and the cockpit tub was not deep enough.

Attached is a photo showing a comparison between the Dropship and an Apache helicopter - both are 1/72nd scale. You can see just how large the Dropship is. Actually Apaches aren't that big up close.

Image: Top/front

Image: Head on

Image: Top view

Image: Comparison with the AH-64A

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