Starship Modeler - The complete information source for modelers who build sci-fi, fantasy and real space subjects

USS Akyazi

By Aviel Tochterman

Took a resin cast Miranda class ship (i.e. Starcrafts' USS Reliant), but didn't want to build it as a Miranda class ship. After deciding what to do, went to my copy of Ships of the StarFleet vol. 2, to figure how to continue. I then marked on the resin with permanent marker, the bits and parts to be cut off and drilled out the center part behind the bridge (retrospectively, though, I think it would have been easier to remove the entire part, and replace it with 2 bars the same lenght). Next, with a sharp knife I removed the side parts of the rear part, saving the impulse module, and from the front of the saucer, removed the torpedo section. After sanding and gluing, I painted it flat grey, added the small touches (warp blue, torpedo tubes, impulse red & some hull markings), and then applied the decals. Though some of my friends who dealt with resin casts & 'home made' decals did not complain, I found these decals horrible, the decal sheet was cut not in the correct place, so some of the decals were half cut away, and their adhesiveness was questionable (they stayed on the model only after the lacquer layer!)

Image: Before surgery, showing what got cut out

Image: Top/front

Image: Top/rear

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