Starship Modeler - The complete information source for modelers who build sci-fi, fantasy and real space subjects

Colonial Shuttle

By Martin Saenger

Every two years "Spacedays", a pure SF exhibition, takes place in Germany. Small, but fine. The visitors receive a free printed card model and I support the exhibition with the construction of the model. We had already the Star Trek Workbee and the Puddle Jumper from Stargate Atlantis. Now we visit the Battlestar galaxy with the Colonial Shuttle from the original series (TOS).

The greatest problem (like always) is the lack of any kind of detailed plans. But I found a lot of pictures from a good resin model. The pictures were the basis for the shape of the shuttle. The model is in scale 1:120 and has a length of approx. 24 cm. The quantity of surface details was overwhelming and a lot of work. Contrary to its predecessors it is a very much detailed model. This time I have 3 x DIN A4 sides place for the model and we have now 212 parts.

And now, the Colonial Shuttle is available as free download on my website.

Image: Forward port quarter high

Image: Ventral view

Image: Stern view

Image: Bow view

Image: Final view

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