Starship Modeler - The complete information source for modelers who build sci-fi, fantasy and real space subjects

Y-Wing Fighter

By Matt Cook

Here are a few pictures of my Fine Molds Y-wing with warts and all. I bought it from the SSM store. Due to the amount of detail and my current lack of a real work area I decided to approach it like my old minis.

It was spray painted with rattle cans then washed and drybrushed for a weathered look. My goal was to create a craft didn't look exactly like the Gold Squadron ships but one that looked like it could have been there. Overall I'm rather pleased with this one. I'll definitely buy more of the Fine Molds Star Wars kits.

I included a picture of the pilot, Ensign Bob "Cannon Fodder" Gunadye, in the cockpit just because I liked how he came out and it is difficult to see him once the model is complete.

Image: Ensign Bob

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