Starship Modeler - The complete information source for modelers who build sci-fi, fantasy and real space subjects

Colonial Raptor

By Keith Sullivan

Here's my 1/48 scale raptor from BSG. I missed out on the 1st production of this and only recently received it. I'm so glad I got it because it turned out better than I thought. I thought I would have problem with the color but solved it rather quickly. The kit its self is a fine kit required very little clean up to put together, every thing went together well. The only complaint I had with the kit was the lack of proper detail on the inside (I added and changed some things to try to update it a bit). I'm sure it was designed before there were accurate pictures to go on. The other thing was a good a picture where all the decals should have gone. I found that to be a little vague. This will make a nice addition to my collection.

Image: Rear right quarter

Image: Tail

Image: Underside

Image: Interior

Image: With the fleet

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