Starship Modeler - The complete information source for modelers who build sci-fi, fantasy and real space subjects

The Batwing

By Daniel Attree

First of all I started with the cockpit. There was virtually no detail so I glued in some old cockpit details from my used part stash. Then I converted a suitable resin ejector seat, adding ejector harness to the top and side of the seat. Basicallly I painted it all matte black, applying details where appropriate and finishing with a silver drybrush.

Next phase was the body. Once the cockpit was glued in I assembled the main body masking the cockpit area and sprayed matte black. To bring out the panel detail I masked of some areas and sprayed a lighted shade of black. After this i detailed the body by silver dry brushing. This brought out the panel lines and any other sharp details.

The next step was to cover in matte clear to seal in the detail. I then masked various panel lines and sprayed a thin coating of mattw black for weathering purposes and the sealed with another coat of matte clear.

One tip for this kit is not to glue the guide wings to the underside as these are easily bent/knocked off; do them last. Also there was a fair amount of warping on the wings which was easily corrected by a soak in hot water and some manipulation.

The great pity about this kit is the stand as it is nowhere near up to the job and requires a fair amount of work to be able to support the weight of the model without bending or breaking.

Image: Wing detail

Image: Tail detail

Image: Cockpit closeup

Image: Ejection seat

Image: Another view

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