Starship Modeler - The complete information source for modelers who build sci-fi, fantasy and real space subjects

The Centaur Hunter

By Brian Thewlis

This model was influenced by the recent Narnia movie in some ways, but it has been a long term plan for a quite a few years due to many years of interest in Fantasy literature.

This model is a composite of two models plus some scratchbuilt items.

  • Airfix Bengal Lancer - Horse
  • Ney - FantasyArcher Vinyl Kit - Torso


  • Cropped both Models to requisite parts, i.e. head off horse and legs of figure.
  • After joining the main pieces, the hair texture around horse shoulders built up with Milliput and worked to a furlike texture with modeling tools.
  • Hair on head from Aves Apoxy Sculpt. Plaits made from Aves as well
  • Harness from wine bottle cap metal foil and embossed with stitching using a saw blade and motifs by drawing with a pencil. Buckles are Brass rod
  • Scratch built Quiver and sword from plastic card and brass. The Water skin is from Aves as well.
  • Painting done with an airbrush using acrylics.

As far as construction goes it was not too difficult getting the two halves together. Although the Airfix horse from the Bengal Lancer leaves a lot to be desired. The body has a lot of gaps and “agricultural” fitting parts used a heap, and then some, of Tamiya filler. I set up a shelf inside the body using card for the Ney torso to sit on.. some epoxy glue.. using the “gloop it in” method and then covered the gaps with Milliput. This was then textured with a modeling blade and some dental tools.

This is my first attempt at sculpting hair. I originally tried to use the kit hair and adjust it using Milliput, but it just did not look right. So I wadded up some Aves apoxy sculpt and tried that.

All in all I suppose it came out alright. The Braids were created by actually braiding Aves, although I did find that it a tad difficult to use, due to its softness and ended up with some flat bits. However in the end it look ok. The hair was textured with a toothpick and some dental tools, plus the good, ole', reliable Exacto blade.

I was happy with the way the airbrushing achieved the flesh result I was after. The first time I visited Wonderfest in 2005 I sat in on one of the airbrushing sessions and was quite astonished at the finish those guys were able to achieve on so small a scale. I felt I had to try it myself and being one of the first attempts was pretty chuffed at the finish. I used an Iwata HPB Airbrush. So I suppose the point is, that Wonderfest is an excellent tool for learning, both from fellow modelers and the people who put on the demonstrations. There is always stuff to be learned and applied, don't be scared to try new stuff you think only the “experts” can do.. surprisingly their knowledge is there to be shared and tried.

Please Note: Several of the following images show a partially clothed female torso. Don't look if that offends you. -Ed.

Image: Initial join

Image: Blending the join between bodies

Image: First attempt at hair

Image: Making braids

Image: Quiver

Image: Completed - front view

Image: Closeup

Image: Right side

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