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Red Green’s Possum Van

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by Brian Miller

Scale: Not stated

The show takes place at Possum Lake, a lake somewhere in Canada (168 Beer Stores north of Toronto, to be exact). Adjacent to the lake is a small village, also called Possum Lake. The local men have formed a club, called Possum Lodge, where they do what men are supposed to do:

  • build stuff
  • take stuff apart
  • take stuff apart and try to put it back together
  • take stuff apart, and when it won't go back together, bury it
  • talk about stuff
  • complain about stuff their wives made them do
  • complain about stuff their wives won't let them do

    The requirements for membership are any of the following:

  • can provide legal services
  • can provide cash
  • can provide beer
  • have power tools
  • have medical supplies
  • have explosives
  • or any other specialty benefitting the Lodge

    From The Red Green Offical Bio page:

    Red Green is the leader of Possum Lodge, Chapter 13, a northern Ontario eyesore who's motto is Quondo Omni Flunkus Mortati (when all else fails, play dead). Red has the down home wisdon of Will Rogers, the rural charm of Garrison Keillor, and about 18 times as much handyman inventiveness as the entire cast of Home Improvement. Married to the ever-understanding and never seen Bernice, Red has no children, just a television show that's a fishing show, a fix-it show, and a men's advice program all rolled into about 3/4.

    Red is the glue that holds the lodge together. He is friendly, inventive, cheap, and as honest as the day is long, which means he's the least honest on December 21st. When he works on his Handyman projects, Red is not stupid, he's just sort of lazy, impatient, and prone to subsitute sub-standard items (such as using duct tape instead of nails, screws, bolts, glass, glue, rivets, solder, or welding) so Red's projects are always less than reliable and more than butt ugly.

  • Red is deeply respectful of his wife Bernice, and quite the opposite of Harold. Viewers trust Red. He is sensible. He scorns fads and fancies. He cuts through the crap. He is everyone's friend and confidant, because he is very tolerant. With friends like he has, he has to be.

    A hero? To paraphrase the official bio, he has to be. Plus, his motto is "Keep your stick on the ice", useful advice in any situation.

    About the model: After looking for quite some time, I found a Dodge van of the correct vintage. This was made tougher by the fact that different vans had been used throughout the run of the show; you can often see a long frame van, but the shorter versions were used also.

    The interior is fully furnished with the necessary equipment: rusty cans, old boards, scattered tools (including a power drill, a hammer, and a broken lug wrench), a 'jumper' battery, and of course, 14 rolls of duct tape.

    Oh, and a radar detector. It's hard to see because the doors are rusted shut, but trust me, it's all in there.

    The exterior features the handpainted Possum, custom plates, accurized rear view mirrors and trailer hitch, and rust, dirt, and dents. Red is built up from a Preiser figure, altering the arms and legs to get the right height, and forming the proper shape using Aves.

    The base is built out of plaster over an OSB base; railroad texturing and landscaping provided the vegetation and dirt; the whole thing is framed by a fashionable border of duct tape, of course.

    Image: Front view

    Image: Duct tape

    Image: Overall

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    This page was last updated 21 July 2006. © 2006 Starship Modeler